Programa de conferencias

07/03/2023 21:35 - 21:55

Added value and Mining. From stone to metal

Daniel Jerez
Consultor @

Geologist and Public Accountant graduated from the National University of Córdoba. Professor of Mining Geology and Economic Evaluation of Projects at the National University of La Rioja. Postgraduate Professor of Specialization in Mining Geology at the University of Buenos Aires. Consultant in project evaluation and mining economics. Senior Consultant Policy and Regulation in the Mining Sector. Former Head of Public Relations and Head of Planning and Project Evaluation at Pan American Silver. He was National Director of Mining Promotion at the National Mining Secretariat from 2016 to 2020. He worked 25 years in the Mining Secretariat of the Province of Córdoba. He has worked in prospecting, exploration and evaluation of deposits and in economic evaluations of lithium, gold, copper, silver and industrial minerals & rocks projects. He has published papers and articles in journals and books and has given more than 70 lectures at universities and international and national meetings on mining and sustainable development, economic benefits of mining projects, state participation in mining income, impacts of taxation on mining projects.


One of the arguments against the development of the mining industry is related to the value added. In the collective unconscious, there is the belief that mining is a primary activity that does not add any value and therefore, exports products without added value. Expressions such as “they export stone”, “they export mud”, or “value must be added to mining export” are frequent and replicated. In fact, the term “mining industry” is not used much, but is simply called “mining” or even “extractive mining” as disqualifying uses of this term. How much value is left to add to the export of a concentrate? How much of a metal’s final value is captured by a concentrate? Is it exporting a concentrate simply exporting the “stone” in terms of value? In this paper, we propose some answers to these questions by dimensioning the stages of value-adding, from the ore in the deposit to the final product which is metal.

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