Professor of Political Science at Universidad Di Tella and Director of Energy, Natural Resources and Environment at Poliarquía Consultores, Buenos Aires – Argentina. Ernesto studied history at the University of Buenos Aires and completed a Master of Science in Economic History at the London School of Economics, University of London. He also completed a Diploma in Organization Management at the San Pablo-CEU University in Madrid and received several education and research scholarships from various international institutions including the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme for Social Sciences in France, the Chevening Scholarship Scheme of Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK, the Carolina Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain and the National Scientific and Technological Research Council-CONICET of Argentina. Ernesto worked as program director at International Voice in Japan, and later as director of projects and programs on governance and environment at the British Council, the UK's cooperation agency in Latin America. He worked as a consultant for the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and also worked as professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
Exam of the variables that have put mining at its historical best moment in the national public opinion and at the same time in a commitment to fulfill promises and expectations that should be met in the short term. Provincial governments, politics, promotion and investment risks.