María Lucrecia Santos is a professional with extensive experience within the company, with over 10 years in the industry, excelling in strategic positions. She has successfully led various projects, committing to excellence in management and ensuring the rigorous application of processes, standards, and international certification methodologies to guarantee optimal results. She possesses a strong practice in specialized software implementation, demonstrating outstanding skills in project consulting and auditing to ensure alignment with expectations and operational effectiveness. Her focus is on leading teams to success through innovative practices and efficient management, thereby contributing to the growth and competitiveness of the organization.
For more than 75 years, Contreras has stood out due to the ability to effectively manage the issuance and approval of documents, variation orders and quality assurance, ensuring the operational continuity despite the delays and resource challenges. In the dynamic lithium market, we have faced significant challenges due to continuous changes in engineering and technical specifications, as well as direct impacts on our acquisition strategies and project schedules. Our experience has shown the importance of integrating the client from early stages and taking dynamic approaches to improve response to changes. By implementing acceleration strategies such as technological improvements and outsourcing, we have mitigated potential risks while maximizing efficiency and quality in each project. The lessons learned highlight advance planning, constructive flexibility, and effective and efficient communication as pillars of success, along with the recommendation of early implementation of acceleration strategies in order to ensure optimal results.