Programa de conferencias

14/06/2023 20:20 - 20:40

Challenges and progress in mining environmental management: evaluation of the stages and monitoring of environmental quality in Santa Cruz

Guillermina Marderwald
Directora de Policía Minera @
Secretaria de Estado de Minería

Guillermina Marderwald has a degree in Geology and a Master's in Ecohydrology from the National University of La Plata. She has ten years of experience in the Mining Police Department of the Province of Santa Cruz and is an integral part of the Environmental Management area. She participated in the elaboration of the Mine Closure Law and its subsequent Regulation. In addition, she works as a University Professor at the National University of Southern Patagonia in the subjects of Geomorphology and Principles of Geology of the careers of Geography and Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources.


In terms of mining environmental protection, the Secretary of State for Mining of the province of Santa Cruz is the enforcement Authority and within it is the area of Mining Police and Environmental Management. Among the functions carried out is the evaluation of the environmental impact reports of the mining projects in their different stages on a total of 770 current environmental files, of which 6 correspond to metal mining projects in the Exploitation stage. Constantly, the Secretary continues to raise environmental standards. Work is underway on the Environmental Monitoring and Control System and on the Mine Closure of the mining projects. As for more than 10 years, the evaluation of environmental impact reports continues to be enriched, developing aspects such as water resources, soils and biodiversity in greater depth. Key tools to ensure the preservation of natural resources and promote mining activity in a responsible manner.

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