More than 25 years of experience in exploration in both the Mining and Oil Industries, working in a wide variety of geologic environments, and along most of the exploration stages. PhD in Ore Deposits from La Plata University, Argentina. Posdoc at Cornell University as a Visiting professor doing research on Structural Geology mainly focus n Fold and Thrust Belts. Posdoc at Colorado School of Mines as a Research Associate working on geologic modeling of Ore Deposits of Southern Peru. Exploration Geologist for Xr-Geomap SA, doing oil exploration at the Subandean Trust Belt. More than 10 years at Hochschild Mining PLC as Senior Geologist, Mexico Exploration Manager and Project Generation Manager in charge of Greenfields exploration programs, project evaluation and new opportunities along the Americas. From 2014 working as Independent Consultant geologist for several Mining Exploration Companies.
Magmatic-hydrothermal systems and associated ore deposits (Cu-Au-Mo porphyries, epithermal deposits, carbonate replacement deposits, skarns, among others) form in magmatic arcs, from calc-alkaline to alkalic suites, which evolved from andesitic magmas in long-lived deep large chambers with hornblende-garnet fractionation, high magmatic water and sulfur contents and high oxidation states. Some of those characteristics can be inferred from whole-rock geochemistry analysis; however, weathering or hydrothermal alteration can affect whole-rock geochemistry making it unreliable. Recent advances in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and mineral chemistry research led to the development of new geochemistry exploration tools, which can be extremely useful in the exploration for magmatic-hydrothermal deposits. These tools can be grouped in Fertility tools -discriminate between potentially mineralized (fertile) and barren magmatic suites-, and Vectoring tools - useful to significantly extend the dimensions of the detectable geochemical footprint of ore deposits. Zircon not only provides the most robust high temperature geochronometer available for magmatic rocks, but it is also a key mineral for analysis since its mineral chemistry signature reflects the geodynamic setting and can be used as an indication of metallogenic fertility of the parent magma. Rapid, precise chemical characterization of detrital zircons by laser-ablation ICP-MS yields an efficient and relatively low-cost way to determine the exploration potential of selected areas. On the other hand, analysis of subtle hypogene geochemical signals preserved in hydrothermal alteration minerals such as epidote and chlorite by laser-ablation ICP-MS during the early stages of exploration, can provide with vectoring information to predict the likely direction and distance to mineralized centres.