Programa de conferencias

18/03/2021 20:25 - 20:45


Jorge Giudici
Jefe de proyecto @
Aurora Mining

Jorge Giudici is an Argentine geologist specialized in the exploration of metalliferous mineral deposits. He graduated from the Uniersidad Nacional de San Juan. He is a member of the American Society of Economist Geologists. He has 28 years of experience in the Mining Industry. He has worked in almost all of South America, USA, Mexico and Australia, in important international companies, such as AMD, Newcrest, MIM, Xstrata, Malbex reaching exploration manager positions. He currently works as Project Manager for Aurora Mining in the San Francisco project. He has experience in the exploration of Porphyry, Epithermal (HS, LS), and polymetallic deposits. He has been part of successful exploration teams, such as those that discovered the Cerro Moro gold and silver Mine with the Exeter Company, in the province of Santa Cruz and the Don Sixto gold project, in the province of Mendoza of the AMD Company. (Today Yamana). He has worked at the Mount Isa Mine in Australia. Important publications: “Precious and Base Metal Deposits in Argentina - El Salado Prospect, an Example”. Authors: I Gemuts & J Giudici, March 8, 1996. Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group, Australian Institute of Geoscientists. "Precious and Base Metal Deposits in Argentina". Society of Economic Geologist USA - Newsletter. Authors: I Gemuts, M Little, J Giudici, April 1996.


This presentation of the San Francisco project (3600 ha) begins by explaining the history of the San Francisco de los Andes Mine that was in production between the 40s and 70s of the last century, producing bismuth, copper and gold. The history of the Exploration / Drilling of this Mine is also presented. The San Francisco breccia corresponds to the Pipe-type Breccia Model (Kirwin 2017 2020), not related to porphyries, which normally occur in the cap of granite batholiths or in their box rock. To date, including Compañía Aguilar, Ministry of Mining and Aurora Mining, more than 11,600 meters of diamond have been drilled. Aurora Mining is already in its third phase of drilling. The first two were in 2019 and 2020. The Company in its three campaigns is exceeding 10,900 meters of drilling. These types of pipe gaps extend for long distances at depth and tend to widen. Current Aurora drilling is confirming this theory, by drilling deep up to 625 meters, observing that the gold, silver and copper mineralization remains open at depth, as observed in hole 039 (72m @ 3.47% Cu, 0.71 g / t Au & 100 g / t Ag - 6.7 g / t AuEq; 5.0% CuEq) from 397m). Aurora is complying with an anti-covid campaign applying a strict biosafety protocol.

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US$ 400 + IVA