Programa de conferencias

17/03/2021 18:25 - 18:55

Added value of the Mining Industry in the Framework of Sustainability

Tay Such / Daniel Jerez
Jefe de Planificación y Evaluación de Proyectos / Jefe de Sostenibilidad Social @
Pan American Silver Argentina

Daniel Jerez: Geologist and Public Accountant, National University of Córdoba. Head of Planning and Evaluation Projects of Pan American Silver Argentina. Professor of Mining Geology and Economic Evaluation of Projects National University of La Rioja. National Director of Mining Promotion (2016-2020). Teacher in the Specialization in Mining Geology, UBA. In the public and private spheres, he has worked in prospection, exploration and evaluation of deposits and economic evaluations of mining projects. He worked in the Ministry of Mining of the Province of Córdoba. He has been a consultant for mining companies and chambers on lithium, gold, copper and silver projects, industrial minerals and raw materials for cement. He has published works on the economic impact and benefits of mining projects, mining income, competitiveness in mining, taxation, and the effects of taxation on mining projects; He has made reports on lithium, uranium, copper, and mining projects in Argentina. Member (2017-2019) of the Argentine Commission for Public Reports on Mining Resources and Reserves (in the process of being recognized by CRIRSCO). He has given more than 40 conferences in university settings and in international and national mining meetings: Argentina Mining, NOA Mining, ARminera, international meetings of CRIRSCO, International Lithium Seminars in South America, San Juan Factor Development Seminars and Argentina Gold and Silver Seminars. Distinguished in Argentina Mining 2014 with the award of Outstanding Professional from another discipline. Tay Such: Degree in Geological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional del Sur and Diploma in Evaluation of Mining Investment Projects from the Cámara Minera de Perú. Head of Social Sustainability at Pan American Silver Argentina and professor of Legal Geology and Project Economics in Geology at the National University of Río Negro. With 15 years of experience in the mining sector, she worked at Compañía Minera Aguilar S.A. As head of the exploration area, in Southern Copper Argentina SRL as GIS analyst, quality control and legal monitoring of mining files. Since 2016 she worked in the National Mining Secretariat as a professional analyst and from 2018 to January 2020 she was Director of Promotion and Development of Mining Projects. She is the author and co-author of reports and presentations published by the Secretaría de Minería de la Nación on issues related to the portfolio of projects at the national level, economic benefits, exploratory budgets, evolution of resources and reserves, research reports on Lithium, Uranium, Copper, Silver and Potassium. Since 2016 she has been a technical collaborator and / or speaker for presentations at international and national mining meetings (International Seminars on Lithium, Silver and Metal Minerals, Argentina Mining, China Mining, PDAC, ARminera, VRIC, International Workshop on Sustainability Indicators in the ECLAC Mining, among others). She participated as a visiting professor in the Mining Geology Specialization at the UBA and in the Lithium Postgraduate course at the Universidad Austral.


La industria minera tiene un impacto significativo en los países donde se desarrolla. En esta exposición se muestra, con datos concretos, cómo esta actividad trabaja en todos los aspectos necesarios para lograr el desarrollo sostenible tanto a nivel local y regional como nacional a partir del desarrollo de la industria. Se muestra no sólo el impacto económico generado, sino aquellos impactos que se logran a través de políticas, acciones y programas, que en su conjunto dan como resultado la creación de una cadena de valor que trasciende el mero aspecto recaudatorio, que muchas veces es el único mencionado.

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